
iPhone @ -10 C

The wacky Fins at F-secure have decided to put an iPhone through its paces in a fridge and the result is a chilling video. Thanks to The Ultimate Apple Weblog for the pointer, and YouTube for the video.

First iPhone software update appears

Last night, Apple released the first update to the iPhone, software version 1.0.1. The update is only available via iTunes and is automatically applied the next time you sync. If you haven't applied it yet, you might want to do so before the weekend, as the big hack …

Changing infographic trends

Thanks to a pointer from Daring Fireball (great site, especially for Mac heads), today's article on the evolution of graphics is not actually from our favorite author on the subject, Edward Tufte, but from Anil Dash, for his article on Pixels are the new Pies, which covers the apparent move …

Steve Jobs sends message to Greenpeace

Apple's biggest name has finally sent a reply to Greenpeace about the environmental leadership (or lack thereof) of the Company. On May 2, Steve Jobs posted his second open letter, this time discussing Apple's environmental policies. The letter serves as mostly a defense of the company in view of efforts …

Sun adds engineering support to OpenOffice for Mac

According to an article from MacWorld, Sun has committed some engineering resources to getting OpenOffice running on the Macintosh natively. OpenOffice is a multi-platform office productivity suite that acts as a substitute for Microsoft's Office products. Of particular interest is the rationale provided by Philip Lohmann, project lead at Sun …

Supreme court rules for innovative innovation

Yesterday was a joyous day for all related to patents and technology! The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that patents require actual innovation, lest they be considered obvious. This does not completely remove all existing ridiculously obvious patents, but it does raise the bar for obviousness to …

Chicago to be US bid for 2016 Olympics

According to an article from the Washington Post, Chicago won the US bid to host the 2016 Olympics. What a great opportunity to show off more of the country! Good luck in 2009 for the actual bid and here's my early request for friends and family in the Chicago area …

Jon Stewart discusses Viacom vs. YouTube

TechDirt has an article that references a clip from The Daily Show which is pretty silly, but contains what appears to be an honest statement from Stewart saying "But to me, the situation is that there's a ton to gain for both companies. Viacom, they put their content on YouTube …

Grumble... Leopard delayed

Yes, I know it's not the end of the world. Yes, I know it's not Vista's 4-year trek through the world of vaporware. Yes, I'm aware that I'm not currently writing anything that depends on it, but there are some people I know who have been waiting for Leopard to …

RIAA killed what they were trying to save

It's not surprising to read an article that describes the RIAA as having done something stupid, but here's an op ed piece from the New York Times by an independent record seller who directly blames them for the demise of that which the RIAA was trying to save: albums, CDs …

BusinessWeek looks at Greenpeace and Apple

Greenpeace has been leading the charge against Apple in recent years because of what it claims are their particularly bad environmental policies. However, this article from Business Week points out that Apple's more likely than not being picked on because of its position in the marketplace, not because of the …

Vista sells 2X XP in the same time

Sounds pretty good for Microsoft's new head of the pack. Although the folks at ARS Technica have some comments that bring into question whether this is because of new PC growth or not. Even so, new PC growth itself may have been helped by pent up demand for Vista... we'll …

Computerworld on why Microsoft should be concerned

It's not a Microsoft-bashing column, but this Computerworld article by Scot Finnie, Computerworld's online editorial director, takes Microsoft to task over what he sees as ignoring demands in the market and Apple's recent moves. In particular, he's talking about the enterprise, so he doesn't go into the Xbox vs …

Children and praise

I know I've promised to forward this URL to a number of people, so here's a reference to the article in New York Magazine that will be easy to find. The article is about praising children not for doing things right or behaving or anything else they can control, but …

Whither CompUSA?

I like David Pogue (tech reporter for the New York Times). He writes a good column, uses a Mac, uses dripping sarcasm, and can sing well. His article today about CompUSA's downsizing of over 50% of his stores, hits the nail right on the head.

Switching friends (to the Mac)

Last year, I managed to convince 8 people to get Macs who either had not done so in the past, or who were coming back to the Mac from a long hiatus. Although I had for many years not considered myself an evangelist for "the cause", recent changes in Windows …

Anyone, anyone? Bueller?

Listening to NPR tonight, and in particular to Marketplace when I hear Ben Stein issuing a rant about oil companies and prices. That wasn't that surprising, given his history. However, when they went to break afterward, the commentator said "Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?" without further comment...