
Dutch researchers conclude it's cheaper for you to die young

Reminding me of the infamous Polish study which considered costs across the social spectrum, government and university researchers in the Netherlands have issued a report in the Medical Journal of the Public Library of Science indicating that people who smoke or are obese live shorter lives and are less expensive …

VLANs supported in Leopard Client

Warning! Geeky content within. Those of you who know what VLANs are are probably interested in this article. In the past, Apple only supported VLANs (802.1q) when using OS X Server. It wasn't a huge deal, as servers are much more likely to need this than clients, but it …

Review: Untraceable

Well, that's an hour and 38 minutes that we'll never see again... however, I must say that it was not as bad as Meet the Spartans. To say that Untraceable was a bad film is to really be nice to it. If you need yet another film showing you grotesque …

Rube Goldburg fan hits the net

Somebody from HEMA (retail site in the Netherlands) put a lot of work into this advertisement It's well worth the click. Thanks to fark for the pointer. Ed Note (2018-11-23) This page appears to be lost to time and Flash.

U2 manager thinks music drives the net

A speech given by U2's long-time manager Paul McGuinness details his take on the music industry and the internet and computer/device hardware industries. I think the synopsis is provided by a single question he asks: "Who's got our money and what can be done?" Stay tuned after the jump …

Review: Meet the Spartans

Send-up of 300 falls on its sword. Short form: at matinee prices, you still feel like you were ripped off for the full price of the film--thankfully it's barely an hour and a half long. Meet the Spartans is the kind of film that makes you wish that Jason Friedberg …

Intel XServes and intolerance

Some of you know that I run a small fleet of Apple XServes. There are some in two-post racks at the house, and some at our super-secret hosting center in four-post cabinets. We're going to talk about what we've found with rack mount hardware and the older and newer generation …

TaxCut upgrades and Time Machine

This is a warning for those using TaxCut (a pretty good Macintosh Tax program) and possibly other installers and upgraders. The TaxCut upgrade installer scans all connected disks looking for copies of the software to upgrade. This is going to become an increasing issue going forward not only because of …

TomTom: When a paid upgrade is a downgrade

Stick this one in the extremely shady business practices category. In order to add more revenue to the coffers, a paid upgrade from existing TomTom 910 and 510 maps that currently include locations of Starbucks will result in losing the locations of said Starbucks! Hey, that's darned good service for …

There Will Be Blood: Don't Bother

If you're seriously considering watching this 2:38 monstrosity, then, please rethink. Carol and I would have walked out an hour in, except that we were trapped in the middle of the theater (with at least one immediately-adjacent theater goer asleep) and were trading looks of disbelief because we couldn't …

Yep! Find and organize those PDFs

At the beginning of the year, it's nice to think that we're all starting off with a clean slate. I hear regularly that people are interested in going "paperless," so this entry is for those folks who are interested in this goal, or who just have too many PDF documents …

Securing your private data on the Mac with Disk Images

Many of you Macintosh users out there are concerned for the safety and security of your data. This article will describe how to use the built-in disk image capability of the Macintosh to create a secure file storage location for your important documents. Disk Images are special files that function …

Yankee Group thinks iPhone security risks overblown

An article from MacWorld tells that analysts from The Yankee Group (unlike those from Gartner and some other IT analysis groups) think that both the security and policy issues about the iPhone have been overblown. Basically, it boils down to not being any worse than any other smart phone, and …

Debut of a new Topic

Often I'm asked what software I use on the Mac. Now, places like iUseThis are great places to go to get a general idea of what's going on and read basic comments. I even put information about what I'm generally using on there. However, I wanted to create a more …