
Fuel Cells are starting to be available

I went poking around this weekend looking for fuel cells for use as backup power (I need somewhere between 7KW and 20KW of backup for use when there is no power, but I'd really like to keep the noise and footprint down). Once again, I have sought out hydrogen-based fuel …

Internet hatred

BBC News is carrying an article this morning with the results from a report by the Simon Wiesenthal Center about hate-based internet sites. The report, not surprisingly, indicates that the internet is being used as a communication and fund raising avenue for these groups.

The future of DVD production

The New York Times has an article discussing the work of John Lowry, a pioneer in the film and video technology area who is working to make DVDs now (and in the future) the best that they can be. Lowry's company, Lowry Digital, which was profiled by Apple in this …

Bush ads show up as video games

Wired has an interesting article about the Republican National Committee's recent web-based efforts to advertise against Kerry. Part of these include the use of video games as the ad delivery medium. This week's ad "Tax Invader" which features little green bullets firing from Bush's head at the taxes that …

iPod leads way to profits for Apple

Apple announced Wednesday that they have had another profitable quarter, with revenues jumping 30% and profits increasing 200%, thanks to a 909% increase in iPod sales. During the quarter, the company shipped 749,000 Macintoshes and 807,000 iPods for revenues of $1.9B. And, to top it off, they're …

Sir Tim wins Millennium Technology Prize

Tim Berners-Lee, the acknowledged inventor of the world wide web, has been given the Millennium Technology Prize by the Finnish Technology Award Foundation. The prize, worth 1 million Euros, is handed out every other year for innovations stemming from research in the following areas: Health Care and Life Sciences Communications …

Gosling defends Sun's settlement with Microsoft

After this week's settlement with Microsoft, Sun has come under attack by some in the computing community about their willingness to "sleep with the enemy." Sun's venerable "java guy" has posted a blog entry wherein he gives his take on why the Java world should not fear the $1.6B …

Australian DMV switches to Macs

One small step for Apple. An article from ComputerWorld Australia that details plans by the DMV (called the RTA, Road and Traffic Authority) in New South Wales, Australia. Cause appears to be an intentional move to open source by the government there. From the article, "Apple OSX 10.3 was …

Public records and privacy

Often, these days, I find myself looking at web sites about politics, finance, and government and saying, "wow! that's cool... but what is its effect?" is one such site. It's worth a look, because with it you can see what your neighborhood's politics look like. However, don't be …

Review: The whole 5 yards?

In summary, like former first lady Nancy Reagan used to say, "Just say no!". I was wondering why this movie had gotten no advertising, and I believe the answer is now clear: they didn't want to spend a dollar more than they had already spent to get the film in …

Improved PDF plugin for MacOS X

It's been about 14 months since I posted this article on the 'Pages about the PDF plugin from ShubertIT. In that time, the product has continued to get better and now it is down-right indispensable. The plugin works great in Safari and is free of charge for non-commercial use.

Mac virus threat denounced

Some of you out there who heard earlier this week of a virus aimed at MacOS X, might be wondering why I didn't write about it earlier, unlike Wired did in their article. However, this new article, OS X Trojan Horse Is a Nag, is why. Although somebody has released …

Mars lander missions extended by 5 months

NASA has extended the mission of the Mars Rovers to an additional 5 months. The press release, dated April 8, details the successes of the current program and offers the possibility that even though the mission is being extended to September (including $15 Mil in funding for the human staff …

Life as a car salesman

I happened across an informative article from about selling cars. They sent a reporter undercover at two car dealerships, one no-hassle, no- haggle dealership and one "normal" dealership. The results are interesting, especially if you are in the market for a car.

Experimental jet exceeds Mach 7

US space and aircraft agency, NASA has announced that an unmanned research plane successfully flew at over Mach 7 (5,300 mph- 7 times the speed of sound). The modified Pegasus rocket was launched from under the wing of a B-52B Saturday over the Pacific Ocean.

20-minute, saliva-based HIV test approved

The New York Times is reporting that the FDA has approved an oral HIV test that is said to give results within 20 minutes. Although 20-minute blood-based tests have been available for about 2-years, this is a significant step forward because it doesn't require that the health care worker administering …

Environmentalism survives at the local level

With all of the concentration nationally on Iraq and terrorism, the emphasis on the environment has taken a back seat since 2001. However, an article from the Christian Science Monitor describes recent increases in local environmental organizations and causes since the advent of the Bush administration. Using IRS data and …