
You're violating my first amendment rights!

NPR had a segment this morning called "Misunderstanding the First Amendment", where it speaks directly to an issue that I think more people need to think about: what is the First Amendment. Mark Bowden, the author of Black Hawk Down, makes the point that too many people (especially celebrities) are …

US tries to export DMCA to Australia

An article from the Voice of America news service mentions the passage (by the US Senate) and the signature (by President Bush) of the United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement. It also mentions that the Australian Senate isn't keen on it in its current form but leaves out information reported by …

Busy FCC rules on Tivo sharing and cell phone spam

Well, the younger Powell and his crew were busy yesterday. Rulings were made about cell phone spam and digital broadcast reproduction. On cell phone spam: you can't send it via email... which isn't surprising, but the CAN-SPAM act will now have a registry of domains for wireless providers that can't …

Apple special in Business Week

BusinessWeek has a series of articles about Apple this week in a special report entitled Apple: The Next Generation. The five articles look at the company's performance since Jobs took over the reins (again), corporate and government prospects, the role of clustered Macs in supercomputing, and their current push toward …

Airport Express first thoughts

We got our Airport Express boxes yesterday and I finally got a chance to turn them up this morning. So far, I've installed one (and did some network reconfiguration at the same time to increase security). The device works beautifully and has a frightening range. Right now I'm sitting in …

Would you walk 10 miles for a Big Mac?

With the launch of McDonald's Go Active Meals in the UK, the Sun reports that it would take a walk of nearly 10 miles to walk off a Big Mac Meal (including fries and a shake), as it weighs in at over 1400 calories. Additional nutritional info can be found …

Online search for John/Jane Does

An interesting article today on Wired about using the internet to search for the identities of John Doe (and Jane Doe) victims. Includes a particularly in- depth discussion of one man's quest to figure out the identity of a woman killed in Kentucky in 1968.

Apple tops PC Magazine satisfaction survey... again

PC Magazine, which despite the name does a reasonably good job of being non-partisan in covering equipment that doesn't qualify as PC-compatible, has released their 17th Annual Reader Satisfaction Survey results. The short form: Apple has a significant lead in basically every category (except servers, where they aren't represented in …

OK A&E you got some 'splainin' to do

A&E, the once-venerable home of Arts and Entertainment, turned recently more crime and punishment, is going off the deep end with tonight's premier of Growing Up Gotti. That's right, "reality" TV about the daughter of John Gotti... you know the mobster. The Scotsman has an article about the show …

CNet looks at Kerry's record on tech

CNet has an article in which John Kerry's Senate record on technology is evaluated. According to the article (without any significant supplemental research by me), he has been less interested in privacy and innovation than in status quo (movie industry copy protection over consumer electronics) and increased taxation.

Apple CEO undergoes successful cancer surgery

Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar, underwent successful surgery to treat an early stage pancreatic cancer over the weekend. He is expected back to work in September (I guess he's waiting until the G5 iMacs come out). According to articles in the Wall Street Journal (Apple CEO Undergoes …

John Kerry's address

For the last night of the Democratic National Convention of 2004, I spent about an hour and a half (sorry, folks, I can't sit here and watch that many speakers say the same thing, with varying accents, all night). I did get to John Kerry's speech, which is also available …