
SpaceShipOne tracked by schools

As Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites attempts to put Space Ship One up for the second time in four days, two schools from outside of Boston and the Clay Center for Science and Technology are tracking to the ship to the edge of space. Unfortunately, I can't find a feed online …

Cooking for Engineers

I have to admit that when I saw this on slashdot, I thought somebody was just being silly. However, the Cooking For Engineers site actually does have some interesting concepts that it puts into practice. For one thing, check out the innovative visual recipe style and the chemical explanation of …

Where can you vote for a third party?

With all of the controversy over Ralph Nader and his difficulties getting put on the ballot in various states, including my home state of Virginia, and the pivotal state of Florida, I figured I'd post a link to the Ballot Access website, which contains information on which third-party candidates are …

iMac G5 announced in Paris

As predicted, Apple announced the iMac G5 this morning. Also as predicted (by the rumor sites), you could easily mistake this sleek computer for a display. Pricing runs from $1,299 for a 17" 1.6GHz version to $1,899 for the 20" 1.8GHz version. Technical specs are pretty …

HP gives away Macs in "extreme makeover" promotion

In an amusing twist, HP is giving away an Apple PowerMac G5, a PowerBook G4, and an iMac as part of a give-away to promote their "creative" printing products. Apparently, they've decided if they're going to spend money looking for an artist to render a demo page for their DesignJet …

Another take on the Apple Chameleon patent

An article on Apple-X.Net adds a lot of detail to the conjecture over the recently published "Chameleon patent" that a number of recent Mac sites have been talking about. The patent is probably best described (in layman's terms) in Apple Files for Chameleon Patent and Morph Trademark, an article …

New MMOG player counts out

The new subscription charts are out. As would be expected, Lineage continues its reign as the number one MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) with between 2.5 million and 3 million subscribers. Behind them is the number two, Lineage 2, and the number three, Everquest. This is particularly interesting because …

PowerBook G4 15" Battery recall

For those of you who have purchased 15" PowerBook G4's this year, or bought batteries for them, you should check out the battery recall information page on Apple's site. There is a possibility of overheating and fire.

New population statistics available

The Population Reference Bureau has released this years report, 2004 World Population Data Sheet (PDF). There is also summary on the web., which goes over some of the important data, such as the current AIDS/HIV infection rates (up to 38.8% in Swaziland) and projections for the world's population …

UK gives OK to human embryo cloning for research

According to an article from the International Herald Tribune, researchers at the Newcastle Center for Life have been granted a limited (1-year) license to clone human embryos for stem cell production. The plan is to clone stem cells from embryos created by inserting skin cell nuclei into human egg cells …

Firewire still going strong

Despite some recent contraction in the PC market due to the competition by USB 2.0, Firewire (1394) has been gaining support and should continue to do so in the near future, according to a report from InStat. Growth continues in the Consumer Electronics areas, including digital TV, and DVRs …

O'Reilly tests virtual textbooks

When O'Reilly, considered one of the most innovative technology book publishers in the world, is beta testing a new program called SafariU (PDF). Based on their existing Safari service, which provides online access to a virtual bookshelf of technical books for a single monthly fee, SafariU provides a way for …

National Geographic releases Forces of Nature

Thanks to an article from the Christian Science Monitor, I was pointed to a new feature on the National Geographic web site which is intended to be a companion piece to the new IMAX film Forces of Nature The site is an exceptional use of Macromedia's Flash technology for educational …

iTunes store tops 1 million songs

Apple's iTunes Music Store has (according to an announcement by Apple Computer) reached 1 million songs in its catalog for download in the US. They have also stated that they now have songs from over 600 independent labels on the US site.

Old patents found

An article from the New York Times relays the story of two patent attorneys who have embarked on a quest to help fill the missing archives of the USPTO (the Patent and Trademark office). And, they have met with some success, handing over information to the Office about at least …