
Islamic conference attendees detained for printing

In another step "forward" for national security, reports that a number of American citizens (including people born in the US and holding a US passport) were held at the border crossing between the US and Canada until they relented and gave their fingerprints to the US border agents …

Chicago happily gives homicide title up

According to an article from the New York Times, Chicago's murders numbered 447 in 2004 in comparison to 498 in 2003, an impressive 25% drop. This now seats them appropriately behind New York and Los Angeles (at 566 and 511 respectively). DC's count appears to be coming in around 193 …

Gamer bottom 20

GamePro has released their list of 20 lowest moments in gaming in 2004. Included are such popular favorites as: Video Games Make You Fat, and The Release of EQII.

Japan trumps US in aid pledge

Not to be outdone by its largest trading partner, Japan, the strongest democracy in Asia, has upped their donation pledge from US$30M to US$500M. The US made a similar maneuver earlier, increasing from US$35M to US$350M its pledged donation. According to an article from CNN, the …

FBI looks into lasers (but not directly)

According to an article from the International Herald Tribune, the FBI is looking into the possibility that terrorists are working on taking down US aircraft using lasers--by aiming them at pilot's eyes. There are reports of ten or so incidents since Christmas of this year in which pilots have reported …

Don't forget the general fund

I know that a lot of people are excited about giving money for the specific Tsunami relief funds around our most recent big natural disaster, but it's important to remember that the General Fund of your favorite charity might suffer due to specified giving. As an example, the Red Cross …

Other sites with tsunami relief

Google, Yahoo!, and are all getting into the act (No, I'm not trying to imply that Apple did it first, just that they are all doing it). Hats off to all of the organizations that are trying to help or encouraging people to help the relief effort for … taken over by tsunamis

Apple's usually highly-visited site is currently providing a message of condolence ("Our hearts reach out to those hurt by the Indian Ocean tsunamis") and pointers to a wide variety of relief organizations. Cool.

In-dash ripper to debut at CES

Gizmodo is reporting that EStone will be releasing an in-dash audio device that will rip disks and store them on an internal hard drive. The drive is removable, so once you're done, you can back it up on your computer.

Airport Express USB port handy for IR control

I realize that Keyspan released the Keyspan Express Remote in November, but I have to admit that I didn't pay much attention to it. After taking some time to read about it, this is a pretty cool device. Hook it in to the USB port on the Airport Express and …

Gamer buys virtual land for cold-hard-cash

An article from BBC News recounts the tale of a 22-year-old Australian gamer who just purchased a plot of virtual land for the game Project Entropia at an online auction for US$26,500. The interesting part is that unlike Sony Online Entertainment (makers of EverQuest) and others, this company …

How convenient...

Government forces private company into bankruptcy over disputed taxes. Government auctions off plum assets to a bidder who swoops in from nowhere and buys them at a fraction of their value (partially thanks to US courts that prevent US corporations from bidding). Government-owned gas and old conglomerate buys the bidder …

Weather Underground meteorologist bashes Crichton

Not surprisingly, Dr. Jeffery M. Masters, Weather Undergound's Chief Meteorologist, bashes Mr. Crichton's new book State of Fear for basically taking the side on the global warming issue that he doesn't like. I say "not surprisingly," because he has written on Weather Underground in the past about global warming and …

Santa gets Canadian fighter escort

Thanks to Fark for the pointer to this important and timely story on NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command) has announced that Santa will receive a fighter escort when transiting controlled airspace this upcoming Christmas Eve.

Google get go-ahead to scan load of books

According to an article from CNet, Google has entered into agreements with Harvard University, Oxford University, Stanford University, and the University of Michigan to scan portions of their libraries as part of Google Print, the search maker's effort to bring the world of print online. Although some of the participants …

IBM sells PC unit to Chinese company

I'm sure everybody saw this, but if you didn't, it's the end of an era. An article from the Washington Post (also reported in many other places) details the sale of IBM's PC unit to Lenovo Group Ltd., China's largest PC manufacturer. The company that started the PC (not personal …