
Wave of the future for power?

As they say in the Circus, "And now for something completely different!" According to this article from Reuters, Portugal is going to be the proud recipient of the world's first production power generation plant to use tidal power. Ocean Power Delivery, a company based in Edinburgh, Scotland and owned partially …

Naperville, IL to require fingerprints for net access

Don't bother trying to do any anonymous surfing in the library in Naperville, IL after the beginning of the summer. As a matter of fact, don't borrow your friend's library card either, because it won't work. Starting in June, the library will be replacing their library card+PIN security system …

Star Wars:Episode III

So, you're probably wondering why it took so long for me to write this, aren't you? Well, I was taken a bit by surprise by the fact that I actually thoroughly enjoyed the third (sixth) installment of the Star Wars trilogy (the second, er, first one). I did find out …

Walmart ceeds DVD rental to Netflix

In a major coup for NetFlix, Walmart has bowed out of the mail-order DVD rental business by entering into a marketing relationship with NetFlix. According to a BusinessWeek article, BlockBuster, the other main competitor, may be looking at raising prices or leaving the market altogether in order to cut costs …

We're back from Scotland

OK, after a couple of weeks out, Carol and I are back in the country and had a great time in Scotland (although the next trip out of the country will likely not include driving 1973 miles on the wrong side of the road in a country that believes in …

TigerDirect wants Tiger shipments stopped

Computer reseller TigerDirect (link intentionally left off so that the Google spiders don't think I'm here pushing their site ranking up) has filed a trademark infringement suit against Apple which id detailed in this MacMerc article (including PDFs of the court documents). Frankly, the timing looks like nothing more than …

Feds may be considering more secure passport mechanism

According to an article from Wired, the State Department is indicating that they may be considering more secure methods for adding RFID capability to the US Passport. The current frontrunner is an idea called BAC (Basic Access Control) that will require reading of a key from the inside of the …

Microsoft unveils plans for PDF-killer in Longhorn

Coming "soon" in Longwait, er, Longhorn (the next version of Microsoft Windows--due in December,2006) will be Metro, Microsoft's free-licensed printing file format intended to go head-to- head with PDF and PostScript (the venerable, and completely free, de facto standards from Adobe), according to an article from ComputerWorld. I'm not …

T-Mobile offers street-level coverage maps

It appears that T-Mobile has realized that it's better to educate customers than to try and pull the wool over their eyes. Recently available is Personal Coverage Check that provides realistic (even pessimistic) coverage information to the street level. Those of you who know my address or are familiar with …

Symantec keeps its word on SecurityFocus

I gotta hand it to Symantec. Despite their blunderous and fearmongering assessment of the pending onset of tragic and multiple Macintosh viruses (no doubt aimed at rescuing flagging sales of their Macintosh products), they seem to be keeping their word on leaving the SecurityFocus free to editorialize as they wish …

Tiger and Longhorn in the mainstream media

Anyone who hasn't been under a rock for the last few weeks knows that Apple's releasing Tiger this Friday, with an event at each of their stores (starting with the new Birmingham, England store to kick the event off). Meanwhile, Microsoft is slowly readying Longhorn (the next major revision of …

WildPackets offering their products at a "steal"

If you're a networking geek (and I know some of you are), you may be interested in this deal from WildPackets (Mahboud's company) for EtherPeek in all of its various flavors. Now, for $99 you can get a pretty darned nice packet decoder and capture product with a GUI. True …

PSA on software patents

There is an absolutely brilliant animation, obviously done by somebody in Europe, on software patents. With the exception of the (gasp!) photographic representation of Richard Stallman (of the FSF, with whom I generally do not share views). But, the point is still valid that software patents are (in their current …

April Fools jokes on the net

As is customary, the internet is rife with April Fools day jokes on April 1. Anyone who doesn't have a strong stomach for a (mostly bad) joke, should probably stay off the net until April 2. Personally, I don't tend to post anything on the "Pages" on April 1 that …

TiVo launches pop-up ads

Well, the folks at Gizmodo are now showing us a picture of the pop-up ads that are being/will be presented by TiVo during fast forwards, and they're huge. They take up a quarter of the screen. Unfortunately, the center quarter of the screen. Ouch!

Travel groups come out against RFID passports

According to an article from Wired, the list of people complaining about the State Department's plans to embed RFID tags into US Passports is on the rise. Most recently, the Business Travel Coalition and the Association of Corporate Travel Executives have announced their opposition to the plan. At issue is …

Using plastics to refine steel

The Christian Science Monitor has an article detailing research being done in Australia on using discarded plastics as the source of carbon to refine steel. Although it is a ways off, it's another interesting idea coming out of the green movement. Kudos to the CSM for pointing out that electrolysis …

IBM visualizes Wiki growth

For those unfamiliar with Wikis, they are a tool for creating collaborative web-based documents that are constantly changing through contributions from a wide group of users. The most famous Wiki is the wikipedia, the online contributory encyclopedia, but they are used internally at organizations to exchange ideas, document changes, and …