
PowerPC still looking good for supercomputing

Although Apple is moving away from IBM's PowerPC CPUs for desktop and laptops in the future, IBM is still sitting pretty on the most recent Top 500 list (Just 2005) of the fastest supercomputers. An explosion in clustered computing leaves IBM in the 1,2,5,6,8, and 9th …

Taking Tiger Server's spam protection up a notch

I was quite happy to see that Apple decided to include amavis / clamav / spamassassin in OS X 10.4 Server, but although I found the virus protection nice, the spam protection looked weak in comparison to my previous experience with spamassassin. So, here's how I fixed that... A few things …

Picture postage for Mac has been offering picture postage for Windows for quite some time now, but Endicia (pretty much the only people doing postage service for the Mac) are now offering it for the Macintosh and the software to create it is definitely cool. Check out the software and info on …

Stinky plant time!

OK, this is a bit random, but still very cool (and a little late, it got caught in the vortex of my being out of town and then trapped in server reconfiguration hell last week). So, at any rate, the University of Wisconsin at Madison is reporting that their Titan …

Why you shouldn't give away that info

Some people think that I'm paranoid when it comes to giving up my private information. I don't give any more than I need to, and when pressed, tend to give even less because I'm concerned that the recipients will (either maliciously or carelessly) use the data for some purpose other …

BBC building new video codec

As a part of rolling out access to the BBC Archives, the BBC is developing their own video CoDec (coder decoder) which uses wavelet compression and is said to be at least as efficient as the current front runners (although H.264 isn't addressed directly) and is expected to not …

Chicago one-ups DC for parking annoyance

OK, I believe that this was a mistake, but only because it was Chicago and I have a soft spot for that town and because they've waived the fees. However, don't give Washington any ideas, since their parking people aren't as nice. Check out the story from the Montery Herald …

Tiger Widget coolness

OK, so Apple's all about the Widgets in OS X Tiger. Initially, mostly eye candy, but now they're starting to get useful. Think of it as a combination of Sherlock with a good UI and Desk Accessories (for us old timers) that get out of the way and perform real …

Carbon Copy Cloner and 10.4

Many people find Carbon Copy Cloner from Bombich Software a great utility for copying bootable volumes on the Macintosh. I have certainly been one of those. However, under 10.4, changes to authentication have made the program perform poorly or not at all. If you need to use it, I'd …

10.3 to 10.4 server upgrade and mirrors

The transition from 10.3 to 10.4 in our location has been both easy and hard. For everything except our master server, the transition has been a breeze. Here are some things to do and a couple of things to avoid. Note: this is only for OS X Server …

ArsTechnica maps Apple roadmap

An interesting article from ArsTechnica describing their thoughts on the potential roadmap for Apple CPUs in machines to come out over the next 18-24 months. I'm not sure I agree with the entire analysis, but it does make a good argument.

Apple announces move to Intel chips

So much for being pretty sure that Apple wasn't going to roll this one out today. According to everybody's press releases, reports, etc. and what I heard sitting in the Keynote (now available via QuickTime), Apple will begin shipping Macintoshes that are based on the Intel CPU architecture by June …

Bill to "Protect Innovation" aims to kill muni WiFi

Well, our elected officials are at it again. Presumedly as a part of their efforts to free commerce, Representative Pete Sessions (R-Dallas, TX) has decided it would be in all of our best interests if the Federal Government banned the creation of WiFi networks by municipalities to let the free …

CW beats SMS (that's Morse code beats Texting)

It's been a while since I posted anything to the HAM section of this site, so I'm happy to pass on this story from Make:Blog about a contest held on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno putting CW (Morse code) against SMS (cell-phone short-message service). Not surprising to people …

Rampant speculation over PPC->Intel switch at Apple

CNet is again reporting that they have heard strong rumblings that Apple will announce on Monday a switch to Intel-based CPUs in the Macintosh line. I'm skeptical, but we were all skeptical when people discussed the switch to the PowerPC from the 68xxx architecture in the early 1990's, so we'll …

New nuke plants to be safer, smaller, and cheaper

An article from the Christian Science Monitor discusses fourth-generation nuclear power plants (no, George, that's not pronounced "nuk-u-lar"). After a nearly 30-year drought in the US in bringing new nuclear power plants online, there's growing interest in replacing existing coal plants and providing new power using nuclear energy once again …