
Apple shipping Aperture

I can't wait to get my hands on this at the Apple Store. Apple's announced that they've begun shipping Aperture, their new professional photo handling package. I've been waiting to see it in the stores before actually purchasing it, and now they're shipping it, so it shouldn't be long now …

TiVo to send video to PSP and iPod

According to a press release by TiVo, they will be supporting the Sony PSP and Apple iPod as delivery mediums for their TivoToGo product in the near future. The release date is first quarter of 2006 and it appears to be a feature that will be made available to all …


No, it's not a world map of the news (I can't find that site right now, but I did stumble across one a while ago), it's a visual map that shows ranked data graphically. More after the jump. In the case of NewsMaps, it is an effort by NewsIsFree (an …

Pakistan still needs help

Carol and I attended a "candlelight" vigil on the front lawn of the Capitol this evening and were impressed by the turnout and were left with a great deal of concern for the people in Kashmir, the rest of Pakistan and other parts of south-east Asia. One month after the …

Oracle unveils free database

Following up a story from late last week (and a smidgen late in my follow up), Oracle has indeed announced Oracle(r) Database 10g Express Edition (XE). Unfortunately, the details aren't exactly to my liking. The biggest complaint that I see with the product in the initial release is that …

Ars reviews Harman-Kardon Drive + Play

Finally, after months of waiting, a good, in-depth technical review of the new Harmon-Kardon Drive+Play iPod adapter. This one, brought to us by Ars Technica, has a lot of detail and information. In the end, the device looks compelling for many users.

Oracle reportedly working on Free version

Oracle, the biggest name in commercial databases, is preparing a new version Oracle 10g Express Edition for free use by users who would otherwise go to Open Source solutions (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL). The new version, to ship by the end of the year according to an article from …

Apple's Airport wins PC Mag's Reader's Choice

Apple's Airport is the best home router out there, according to the PC Magazine Reader's Choice for Home Routers. Of particular note: the Airport's win marks the first time in the survey that a wireless router has won the prize. Also if interest, one amusing comment on why the Airport …

First test of Dual-core G5's

A posting on 99mac (Swedish web site about Macs) details some tests performed on the new Dual-core G5's. Based on what they're showing, the DC 2.3's are neck-and-neck with the DP 2.5's... good news for macdom. Also of interest on the same topic is Apple's latest G5 processor …

Halloween Store in Reston

If you're looking for decorating or costume ideas for the upcoming Halloween, check out the Halloween Store in Reston (in the shopping center with Harris Teeter, Office Depot, Men's Warehouse etc.). The store is in the place of the old Zany Brainy and has an enormous amount of space and …


Not exactly a movie, a new TV series, but it's interesting nonetheless and you don't have to wait a year for the sequel. Last night, Carol and I sat down and watched the second episode of Commander in Chief (IMDB link), the new drama on ABC centered around the first …

Apple goes Quad, requires reading glasses

I'm sure you're thinking "Wow! sure took Gaige long enough to write about Wednesday's Apple announcements". You're right... it did. However, Apple definitely is sending the PowerPC out with a bang. (Thanks for the phrasing, Amanda) I have no good excuse, but here's the wrap up: Gone are the Dual-processor …

Apple's marketshare rises in 3Q05

On the heels of a not-so-well-received quarterly report, [IDC has released its 3Q05 report (and 3Q05 report synopsis) that indicates that Apple's market share in the PC space has risen to 4.3% in the US, putting them firmly in 5th in US shipments, slightly behind Lenovo. The numbers also …

Secrets of the new iMac

Cool new features included in the iMac and not played up by the media are numerous. I know that people are talking about the two new programs and the built in iSight camera (and some the lack of a built-in modem), but there are some other changes under the hood …

iPod Video reaction

I haven't seen one yet and I haven't even seen the Steve video from yesterday, but having read the news on about 20 sites, read the anti- hype from CNet, and looked over the tech specs and content available, I have some first impressions on the new iPod. I'm getting …

Apple's 4Q Mac shipments up 48%

Apple's financial climb upwards is continuing apace, with the company landing a $3.68B revenue quarter. The computer maker also announced (more importantly by my standards) that unit shipments in the Macintosh line are up 48% from the same quarter last year to 1,236,000 units. [CORRECTION below] This …

Wallace and Gromit: the curse of the warehouse

I took this headline directly from The Scotsman, which has an article of the same name detailing an unfortunate warehouse fire that destroyed many of the artifacts from past films by Aardman Animations, the creators of Chicken Run and the Wallace and Gromit series.

What's new in programming

What's new in programming--Cocoa A lot has changed since the last time I seriously sat down to write Macintosh software. At that time, we were still using System 7 (I think...) and the Mac was dominated by the now-deprecated and renamed Carbon API. It was a good programmatic API, but …