
ARS reviews MacBook Pro

Ars Technica has posted a review of the MacBook Pro, which is notable in that: 1) it's the first one that I've head complain about MagSafe; 2) speaks to battery life (3:17 to 4:57 depending); and 3) It compares the machine to a Dell laptop running a hacked …

Apple releases security tweak aimed at recent malware

Last evening, Apple released the first security update for 2006 (Security Update 2006-001 for Intel and PPC). Detailed information is online in About Security Update 2006-001. More details follow here, but the summary is that they have addressed a wide variety of problems, including just about every facet of the …

LoadMyTracks GPS utility beta released

I'm happy to announce today that LoadMyTracks (ok, make fun of the name if you must, everyone will be making fun of the icon), a program to download GPS data to the Macintosh in GPX or KML (Google Earth) formats is now available from the ClueTrust LoadMyTracks web page. More …

NZ looks at open source software's legal implications

The State Services Commission in New Zealand has put up a briefing this month (OK, last month, but with the International Date Line, who knows) about Open Source Legal Issues. The policy paper is well thought out, if lacking a bit in depth, but covers such things as the key …

Dan Brown sued over Da Vinci Code

An article from the Guardian details an ongoing lawsuit in the UK that pits the authors of a nonfiction book Holy Blood, Holy Grail against Dan Brown, best-selling author of the Da Vinci Code. The suit challenges Brown over his source material and claims that Holy Blood,Holy Grail is …

Google widgets available

Google has released 3 new dashboard widgets for the Mac, including one that checks your Gmail, one that allows you to post to Blogger quickly, and one that lets you check out your search history.

Iron chef! (er, coder...)

For those out there (you know who you are) who may have some time over the next couple of weeks and are looking to hone Macintosh programming skills, you might take a look at the iron coder contest. It's a timed contest wherein an API is disclosed and the participants …

Latest update on Macintosh malware

Without further ado, the folks at Unsanity have described (in more excruciating detail than I did yesterday) the latest OS X malware threat and have not one, but two, solutions to the problem. UTISafariExploitFix is localized to helping Safari avoid doing bad things to your system, by stopping the problem …

More on malicious code on the Macintosh

This isn't intended to scare people in the least. In fact, it's intended to inform, and if we were talking about Windows, there's no way that I could comment on almost every threat of Malware that comes up on the platform. However, on the Macintosh, I feel some responsibility to …

Trouble setting Shadow Passwords in OSX Server

This is definitely not for non-administrators. However, I spent some serious time today trying to track this down, so let me save somebody some time here with this tidbit. It all started when I noticed that some of my users on my OSX Server machine were unable to access private …

Miller tracking down emails

An interesting post from recounts a story wherein a user who had formerly signed up for a Miller Brewing Company contest using a throw- away email address and then threw it away is now getting email from Miller on another account. The return email in the message is …

Apple ships my MacBook Pro

Well, I guess I'm happy that I didn't upgrade to the 2.16GHz processor and that I ordered early. My order was, until last week, showing Shipment on the 15th, delivery on the 21st. Then Apple announced the upgrade plan and that shipment times would slip by a couple of …

Virus scares on the Mac

Now that things are starting to become much more clear about the Oompa-Loompa "virus" (AKA, Leap.A), I figured I'd try to put things into perspective and give a few of my thoughts on the whole thing. For those who haven't heard, there has been concentration this week on reports …

Drake Hotel rolls back rate for romantic couple

An article from the Chicago Sun-Times tells of the Drake Hotel in Chicago (a landmark hotel built in the 1920's) deciding to give a Cicero couple a special anniversary gift: the same price they paid when they honeymooned at the hotel in 1946. According the the paper, "Amazed by the … disrespects Mac, UWisc tries to help

According to an article in today's Washington Post (read it fast, 'cause the Post'll charge you if you wait too long),, the Federal Government's clearinghouse for grant applications is not compatible with anything other than Microsoft's Windows operating system. Apparently, the contractor (Northrop Grumman) felt that their implementation …

Google wants an unfettered internet

Vint Cert, long-time internet founder and now at Google testified last week in front of the Telecommunications subcommittee of the Commerce committee of the US Senate. No telling how well the comments were accepted by the Senators, but I liked what he had to say. I'll leave off the details …

Wisconsin scientists build fastest digital camera

Admittedly, you're not going to be seeing this thing in use for the next SuperBowl, but the University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers are hoping that it will enable them to get pictures of the Higgs Boson particle (a key element in the Standard Model of particle physics). According to an article …