
CS Monitor looks at 'docu-ganda' genre

I haven't seen it yet (we're working on that), but there is an interesting article that I've been meaning to post about since early this month in the Christian Science Monitor about Al's movie, An Inconvenient Truth and other films that provide a documentary format, but a single point of …

Hidden math in the Simpsons

OK, for those Simpsons lovers and math geeks out there, you probably already know this. However, for those who aren't into both (or either), there's a good article from Science News about the frightening number of little math jokes in the show. Quite frankly, I've always been impressed with the …

Volvo can run on... well darn near anything

According to an article at treehugger, Volvo has a car that can run on five different types of fuels. It appears to have 4 fuel tanks and lots of safety features, too (which is a good thing because some of those would really cause a mess if you hit the …

Review: The Da Vinci Code

As I'm sure you can already guess by now, Carol & I went to see The Da Vinci Code yesterday , a new film starring Tom Hanks, directed by Ron Howard, based on the book of the same name from Dan Brown. On balance, we enjoyed the film as a fast-paced thriller …

What price iPod?

BusinessWeek has an article about the cost of things throughout the world. Check out the slide show that contains a list of items (including the iPod, a can of Coke, an iBook, a Big Mac, and other iconic purchases) and their current prices in various cities throughout the world (London …

Apple's new Cube store unveiled in NYC

The new Apple store in New York City (just off of Central Park) is being opened to the public today, and it's the last chance for the store to rest until it is shut down, if Apple keeps with their intention to run it 24x7x365. Pictures of the large glass …

More benchmark FUD debunked

Ridiculous Fish has another article working over a bad benchmark of OS X vs Linux and XP. It appears that the article has been rewritten or at least amended to deal with the fact that it was missing significant facts in the first place and so it may be replaced …

My patent issued

Carol and I just returned from a great trip to London to celebrate our second anniversary and whilst digging through the mail upon our return, I found no fewer than three notices from companies that make patent plaques that my RFID Patent has been issued. The issuance of the patent …

Ohio University loses social security numbers

A web page on Ohio University's web site details a series of incidents involving access to social security numbers of employees, students, and alumni... now, what they need with the SSNs of 137,000 alumni is a really good question, but it's not just them. This is yet another in …

"Mac users are better looking"

At least that's one man's opinion (actually, his wife's opinion) from the UK. In an article about switching to the Macintosh by Rob Manuel, he notes that among the many reasons he loves his Mac. Responses on his blog are typical mac vs. pc fodder, so probably not worth reading …

Apple cleared to use Apple name/logo for tunes

At least in the UK, there may be some justice on the trademark front. Apple computer is allowed to use the Apple name and logo after winning a lawsuit from Apple Corps Ltd. (the Beatles' record company). Thanks to this article in the Wall Street Journal for getting us the …

Review: Kinky Boots

My folks were in town visiting this week, so we all went down to Bethesda to catch a movie at the Bethesda Row Cinema (since my folks don't tend to see many movies at all, much less ones that are in limited release). We decided to see Kinky Boots, a …

Network World defends the Mac

Because you just can't get enough articles about the Mac and security, here's a piece from Network World about how OS X isn't perfect, but seems to be in a better position than people discussing Apple's "arrogance" are willing to give it credit for.

Post examines Apple's time to patch security holes

An article from the Washington Post's Security Fix blog (by Brian Krebs) today indicates that Apple's mean time to fix a security flaw considered severe is about 90 days from the time of the report to the delivery of patches to customers via Software Update. [Note: a similar article about …

Apple launches new Mac ad campaign

Apple's posted their new ads to their web site. The new series of six ads has the familiar simple music and plain background that we've come to associate with Mac advertising. Most of them are pretty funny, although we think that the "Better" ad seems to sell the Mac short …

Review: the W Hotel on Lexington in New York

I admit it, I'm a hotel snob. It's not that I can't or haven't stayed in tiny, cramped hotels in seamy parts of town, it's that I tend to choose not to. So, after asking around, and getting plenty of recommendations, Carol and I decided to stay at the W …

Review: United 93

Last night Carol and I went to see United 93, the new film about the United flight that was taken down by passengers on 9/11 outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There's been a lot of talk about this movie, discussing it's relative accuracy, the timing of its release, and whether …