
The value of the Public Domain

Lawrence Lessig comments on the Value of the Public Domain (a paper from the Institute for Public Policy Research) reminding people that Copyright is intended to encourage authors, not to discourage new work. Some good points in both his summary and the paper on which he's commenting.

US Presidential speeches tag cloud

An enterprising web author has put up an very cool dynamic web site that contains tag clouds of US presidential speeches from 1776 to the State of the Union this spring. For those unfamiliar with tag clouds, they're basically lists of words that vary in size and color based on …

First China pics up

The first pictures from our trip to China are up on the new Gallery 2-based website, Fong's China. The Fong refers to Irene Fong, our tour director with Pacific Delights Tours who ran our trip in China. The experience was amazing. We traveled from Tibet to Beijing, Xi'an (home …

Politics and the English Language

WIth less than a week before the mid-term elections here in the US, it seems reasonable to reread and think about George Orwell's excellent essay, Politics and the English Language. If you've only read 1984 and/or Animal Farm, it's worth noting that Orwell wrote prolifically as a journalist, commentator …

Net Neutrality "already taken care of"?

Reading the responses of one of my sitting Senators, George Allen, to a local newspaper's candidate survey, I found the following comment by the Senator: "I voted for the Internet Consumer Bill of Rights Act, which addresses the issue of Net Neutrality in a way that promotes Internet freedom by …

Happy to be back in the 'States

Carol, my folks, and I are all back from China, after over three weeks traveling from Tibet to Hong Kong. Many great stories to tell, and Carol & I managed to shoot nearly 4000 photos, so we'll be trimming that down and putting some up relatively soon. For now, we're just …

Princeton researchers take a look at voting machines

Researchers at Princeton have released findings from their study of the Diebold AccuVote-DS (which the EFF claims is Diebold's most widely used voting product) and have concluded that there were major flaws in the system that they tested. Diebold, for their part, answered with a press release, accusing the researchers …

Hard core hard drives for the Mac

This is very good news for those of us in the Mac community that have been pining after some of the high-performance RAID systems available on other platforms. For a long time, 3ware has been a vendor of choice for hardware RAID in both the SATA and ATA arenas due …


Well, Microsoft has announced Zune, it's answer to Apple's venerable iPod franchise. Let's see what it has to offer. The "killer feature" of Zune is the Zune Marketplace that supports Zune-to- Zune sharing of "full-length sample tracks" of songs, pictures, or playlists. According to the press release, you'll be able …

Xerox working on temporary paper

An article from PC Pro talks about a Xerox effort to create paper that automatically erases itself 16 hours after it has been printed upon. The process, called "transient documents", was demonstrated at a product unveiling in the UK. Not a lot of details, except some comments about the process …

That annoying clicking disk drive sound...

Yesterday, the Paulsen household had one of those annoying, all-day, computer problems. On Wednesday, I'd upgraded the RAM in Carol's PowerBook from 768MB to 1.25GB in order to increase performance. The change was supposed to have no negative effects... unfortunately, a disk drive fault left Carol without a functional …

Who writes Wikipedia?

A very interesting article appeared on Aaron Swartz's blog (thanks to Daring Fireball for a pointer) where he talks about the breakdown of those creating content on Wikipedia and about how (contrary to comments by Wikipedia founder Jimbo Wales) the site appears to be constructed by a very large number …

Crossover Mac beta starts

For those of you with Intel Macs, a need to run Windows-requiring software, and a disgust for having Windows actually running on your Mac, this might be your lucky day. CodeWeavers has announced the beta of their Crossover software for the Mac. What is it? This goes one step further …

Mac Pro ships

Despite an email from Apple yesterday indicating that my Mac Pro would be shipping next week, it launched last night and is expected in house later today. More details as they come... now to find some tasty RAM.

WWDC 2006

Many of you know that I was at Apple's World Wide Developer's Conference last week in San Francisco. According to the rules, I can't say much in detail about what happened at the conference, but it was a good time. For those who missed the Stevenote address (you can view …

Wikipedia and the search for truth, er, verifiability

One of the continuing discussions about Wikipedia is whether it is useful as a real source of information or not (as you would expect, say, the Encyclopedia Britanica or the World Book Encyclopedia to be). Another recent piece has emerged from the blog of Keith Stattenfield that describes the back-and-forth …

Apple recalls MacBook Pro batteries

Well, not that anyone's all that surprised, but Apple finally recalled the MacBook Pro batteries. Batteries sold between February and May are likely to qualify (those whose serial number ends in U7SA, U7SB, or U7SC). The web site indicates that it is performance issues and not safety that is the …

Flip4Mac goes Universal!

Flip4Mac, the plug-in that allows QuickTime to play Windows Media files (.wma, and .mwv) is now available for download as a Universal Binary, so those of us with Intel Macs can also enjoy it. I haven't finished testing it yet, but chances are that it's every bit as nice as …

Back to school: classes online via iTunes U

Just in time for the back to school rush, Apple's iPod content management system for Universities gains steam. According to an article in eSchool News, Apple's service that gets university lecture content online is being used by schools to allow people not enrolled in classes to get access to their …