Hacker "defacement" contest a flop

It appears that a web-site defacement contest that was organized for this past Sunday passed without the big disruption predicted by some, according to an article from MacCentral.

There were a multitude of reports about the upcoming contest last week and some security experts were encouraging extra vigilance going in to the holiday weekend, but in the end the only significant disruption seen was at the site that was ordained to be the referee. The site, Zone-h.org, did not sanction the contest, they were nominated by the "organizers" because they are one of the internet's largest clearinghouses for defacement information. However, they were not prepared for a significant DDOS attack that resulted in over 900Mbps of incoming data.

The folks at Zone-h.org, while recovering on Monday, indicated that they had received about 500 verified defacements over the weekend and have received requests to investigate 400-500 more once things cleared up on Monday.