- Mon 09 October 2023
- server admin
- Gaige B. Paulsen
- #server admin, #vault, #flask
When using dynamic database credentials with Flask, we need to make sure that the flask instance picks up the right credentials, renews them when necessary, and uses the right roles.
My flask code is pretty embedded with the database changes here, so pardon the dust, but I think it's relatively easy to follow.
Configuration parameters are either from the config file or they are taken from environment variables.
Parameter | Required | Purpose | Default |
VAULT_ROLE | ✓ | dynamic database role to use | None |
DB_ROLE | role to assume in connection | None | |
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI | ✓ | URI for datbase | no default |
The application below is named telemetry_ingest
and uses
as the prefix for any environment variables
that are used for configuration. This is mostly interesting if you
are going to adapt this code elsewhere, since you need to remember
to pull those out.
Vault use is triggered by the presence of the VAULT_ROLE
since the vault credentials may or may not be necessary depending
on the environment. If they are present in the config, this code will
push them to the libraries, otherwise they'll come as None
will use its defaults from the environment or statically.
Authentication data is stored in the auth
global in this module and
is initialized when the application starts. The logic to get and renew
the authentication data is in get_vault_credentials()
Of particular interest is the event handling at the bottom in the
with app.app_context()
stanza. This adds event handlers for
(called before the connection, so we can load the
credentials), checkout
(called when a connection is "checked out" to
do something, where we verify the connection), and connect
(where we set the database role if requested). Finally, the standard
configuration is done, registering the blueprint for the actions.
import datetime
import os
from typing import Optional
import hvac
from flask import Flask
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy.exc import DisconnectionError
auth = {}
def create_app(test_config=None):
# create database
# create and configure the app
app = Flask(__name__)
if test_config is None:
# If we want to read from py file instead of prefixed variables
# app.config.from_envvar('TELEMETRY_INGEST_SETTINGS')
# load the test config if passed in
from telemetry_ingest.models import db
def use_vault() -> bool:
if requested_credential() is None:
return False
return True
def requested_role() -> Optional[str]:
if "DB_ROLE" not in app.config:
return None
return app.config["DB_ROLE"]
def requested_credential() -> Optional[str]:
if "VAULT_ROLE" not in app.config:
return None
return app.config["VAULT_ROLE"]
def get_vault_credentials(existing=None):
if not use_vault():
return None
client = hvac.Client(
url=os.environ["VAULT_ADDR"], token=os.environ["VAULT_TOKEN"]
assert client.is_authenticated()
if existing is not None:
if (
and datetime.datetime.now() < existing["vault_expire"]
renew_response = client.sys.renew_lease(existing["vault_lease_id"])
new_auth = existing
] = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(
] = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(
seconds=renew_response["lease_duration"] / 2
return new_auth
except hvac.v1.exceptions.VaultError:
app.logger.debug("lease renewal failed")
read_response = client.secrets.database.generate_credentials(
app.logger.debug("new lease")
new_auth = {
"user": read_response["data"]["username"],
"password": read_response["data"]["password"],
"vault_lease_id": read_response["lease_id"],
"vault_expire": datetime.datetime.now()
+ datetime.timedelta(seconds=read_response["lease_duration"]),
"vault_renew": datetime.datetime.now()
+ datetime.timedelta(seconds=read_response["lease_duration"] / 2),
"response": read_response,
return new_auth
global auth
auth = get_vault_credentials()
with app.app_context():
# https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/engines.html#custom-dbapi-args
@event.listens_for(db.engine, "do_connect")
def provide_credentials(dialect, conn_rec, cargs, cparams):
if use_vault():
global auth
cparams["user"] = auth["user"]
cparams["password"] = auth["password"]
@event.listens_for(db.engine, "checkout")
def validate_checkout(dbapi_connection, connection_record, connection_proxy):
if not use_vault():
global auth
if datetime.datetime.now() > auth["vault_renew"]:
app.logger.debug("credentials expired")
auth = get_vault_credentials(auth)
raise DisconnectionError()
@event.listens_for(db.engine, "connect")
def set_role_on_connect(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
if requested_role() is None:
with dbapi_connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("SET ROLE '" + requested_role() + "'")
from telemetry_ingest.routes import telemetry, redirection
return app